All text was written by Roland L. Warren, who also chose the photos. Robin Warren integrated the photos and text into HTML language and also made substantial editing suggestions.

There are 4 major sections on this CD, all available from the Introduction page. Most of these sections are further divided into topics, all available from the section's starting page. Click on any link to read the topic. At the end of each topic, you can generally either return to the starting page for the section or read through the section's topics in sequence. Links for both of these alternatives are provided at the end of each page.

Most of the photos in My Peg have a red dot in the lower right hand corner, which indicates that they can be enlarged with a click anywhere on the photo. To return to the text, type ALT/TAB. ALT/TAB actually lets you toggle between the text and the latest picture you have enlarged. As an alternative, you can just click the "Close" mark X at the top right corner of the screen to close the enlargement window.

Return to the CD Introduction